We aim to build healthier, happier and more resilient communities by putting the ideas and dreams of the children into real life actions.
We encourage our students through self directed learning as proposed by Montessori, through this we have found that children develop a stronger healthier identity for themselves. Our ethos facilitates children from all types of neurological mindsets, and the access to Montessori equipment allows children to learn at a pace suitable to each individual.
The Montessori approach was developed by Maria Montessori in and has been adopted by many around the world. The approach aims to develop the children socially, emotionally, physically as well as academically, giving equal importance to each part of the growth. To do this successfully we focuses on the exact level a child is on and how to develop them based on this. our children gain a sense of responsibility and
“We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit”
Maria Montessori
I am a dedicated Montessori Practitioner, with 7 years teaching experience. I have four of my own children and I facilitate child led learning 365 days a year. It seems the most natural way to parent and educate. I also enjoy working with redirecting energy, and keeping the environment positive at all times, even during conflict resolution. My personal journeys are connected to meditation, gardening, Reiki and learning about alternative non-conventional methods or lifestyles.
We are delighted to have Limes Montessori open.
Conventional education is not for all children, and therefore some parents choose to home-school. Montessori remains a top alternative to educating children. I offer families help in this field. If you have any questions about SEN and Montessori, or require some guidance on setting up your own Montessori room, or need any form of advice, please feel free to contact me by calling: 01908 321 603 or emailing: limesmontessori@gmail.com.